C l e a n e r
Kevir û Deriyên Em Çawa Karsaziyê Kirin
Which Cleaning Products Should I Use?
How can i book regular cleaning services?
What cleaning products SHOULD I USE?
For our regular cleaners to provide the best service, we recommend having the following available:
You can purchase any brand and from anywhere of your choice, these are only recommendations based on availability and convenience; as Amazon provides up to 15% regular orders on these types of products. Our way of helping you save money.
Good working vacuum with attachments is great for saving time and quality of cleaning
Clean and strong mop is essential for clean hard floors
Multiple cloths and sponges are beneficial for hygienic cleaning
Antibacterial cleaners are essential for quality of cleaning.
Multi purpose cleaners are great for convenience, ensure they are suitable for your furniture and surfaces. Bathroom cleaners are brilliant as they have added extras for that extra hygienic clean. Limescale remover is a must have to maintain and prevent.
Great for wood and marble
multipurpose cleaner
bathroom cleaner
limescale remover
glass cleaner
Toilet cleaners make all the difference in the short and long term
Don't have time? Grab a bundle deal (doesn't include all essentials)
Suggested household essentials and supplies to help maintain between cleans.
What other services do you provide?Please check out our full list of services as we offer a range of cleaning services from regular cleaning through to moving out cleaning! www.brilliant-cleaner.com/services
How soon must I cancel my appoinment?You must cancel your appointment within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment date and time.
How do I request a quote?Please kindly complete our online request form available on our home page.
Do you offer housekeeping services?Unfortunately, we do not currently offer housekeeping services. However, if you require ironing alongside our regular cleaning service this is usually something we can offer.
Do I need to provide any of the cleaning products/materials or equiptment?No. We supply all equipment, products and detergents unless you have a specific request to supply your own. If you request to, there will be a small reduction in booking price. Please be aware that we use professional equipment and carefully selected detergents to ensure the best clean possible.
Do you wash windows?Yes we do. We have eqiupment which our experts are able to clean windows to the height of 4 floors high. We also clean conservatories, glass roofs, skylights and many more hard to reach places. We do regularly clean business shop windows throughout London, making them presentable for when the customers visits.
If I do not cancel my appointment within 48 hours will there be a charge?Yes, there will be a cancellation fee of £30 which is given to the cleaner(s) booked for their allocated time.
Regular CleaningService details: https://www.brilliant-cleaner.com/service-page/home-cleaning If you are interested in regular cleaning services from Brilliant-Cleaner, please kindly complete this quick and easy request form. Regular Cleaning Request Form: Please click on the first link without brackets https://forms.wix.com/r/7040779164894363706 A member of our bookings team will provide you with a quote and availability for your requirements. Look forward to speaking with you! Kind regards, Brilliant-Cleaner
Deep CleaningService details: https://www.brilliant-cleaner.com/service-page/deep-cleaning If you are interested in deep cleaning services from Brilliant-Cleaner, please kindly complete this quick and easy request form. Deep Cleaning Request Form: Please click on the first link without brackets https://forms.wix.com/f/7040780436791885888 A member of our bookings team will provide you with a quote and availability for your requirements. Look forward to speaking with you! Kind regards, Brilliant-Cleaner
End of Tenancy Cleaning (moving out cleaning)Service details: https://www.brilliant-cleaner.com/service-page/end-of-tenancy-cleaning If you are interested in deep cleaning services from Brilliant-Cleaner, please kindly complete this quick and easy request form. End of Tenancy Cleaning Request Form: Please click on the first link without brackets https://forms.wix.com/f/7040795819817042217 A member of our bookings team will provide you with a quote and availability for your requirements. Look forward to speaking with you! Kind regards, Brilliant-Cleaner
Billing & Pricing
Vebijêrk Registration Account
Em dikarin bi navgîniya pêşkêşvanê xwe "Wix Spaces" re hesabek pêşkêşî we bikin. Ev ê dihêle hûn veqetandin, drav û fatûreyên dahatû û berê bibînin. Di heman demê de dihêle hûn bi rehetiya xwe drav bişînin - bi ewlehî bi rêya Stripe. Ev dikare li hemî firotgehên sepanê, tevî Android û Apple, were dakêşandin, heke hûn razîbûna xwe bi qeydkirinê bidin, dê vexwendname bi e-nameyê ji we re were şandin.
Payments Qebûl kirin
Hemî kartên debît / krediyê têne pejirandin. Bi qedandina veqetandinê - bi riya Stripe ve bi ewlehî serhêl têne girtin.
Ev bi e-nameyê ji we re 24 demjimêran berî roja serdanê ya lihevkirî têne şandin û ji hêla Stripe ve têne rêve kirin. Stripe dê fatûreya me ji we re bişîne û bi riya platforma xweya serhêl a ewledar dravdana qerta serhêl bişopîne. Google Pay û Apple Pay jî vebijarkên berdest in.
(Em ji bo vê karûbarê têne barkirin, ne hûn)
Tezmînata Heftane / Birêkûpêk:
Ji bo veqetandina yekem - prosedûra dravdana fatûreyê dê were sepandin (24 demjimêr berî roja veqetandinê)
Ji bo veqetandinên birêkûpêk ên paşerojê, em kêfxweş in ku roja serdanê fatûreyê bidin û heke were xwestin ev dikare wekî dravê dubare were saz kirin.
Betalkirinên ku di nav 48 demjimêran de ji roja serdanê têne kirin de dê 30 £ xercê betalkirinê bistînin. Ev xerc ji bo karmendên me û dema wan a veqetandî ye, ji ber ku em her gav nikarin di demek kurt de veqetandina we biguhezînin. Em bawer dikin ku hem xerîdarên xwe hem jî karmendên xwe binirxînin. Karmendên me ew e ku ji me re dibe alîkar ku em karûbarên berbiçav peyda bikin û em hewil didin ku dema ku ji bo me dixebitin debara jiyana xebatkarên me bandor nebe. Em hêvî dikin ku ev dikare were nirxandin.
Pereyên drav:
Em dravdanên drav qebûl dikin, lê divê ev rasterast piştî veqetandinê bi nivîsgehê re were nîqaş kirin. Dê fatûrek dîsa ji we re were şandin lê dê rasterast ji me be, ne Stripe.